I'm reading a book titled
Quantum Wellness by Kathy Freston and am finding it very insightful and inspiring. I love books about being healthy and that encourage living a healthy lifestyel. Here are some small excerpts from the book:
"You are the pond and every thought, action, and feeling is a pebble, influencing your body, relationships, future, and present moment. In your existence, there is no insignificant moment. The universe is also that pond, and you are that pebble. Your life, energy, and love echo energetically to the very edges of all creation. You have that much power."
Page 10
"It is said that as you rise, the world rises to greet you."
Page 16
"It was only when Janet decided that she didn't want to eat anything that caused harm to another creature that things made a permanent turn for the better. Her diet was no longer a "diet" but a conscious choice to be kinder."
Page 18
"I have to realize that nothing is going to change until I change. And I have to think about what is important - my family, my health, my serenity - and do the work that will support those things. I'm really glad this health crisis happened. I see now that there was a purpose and I'm glad I paid attention."
Page 21
"When you meditate, there is an increase in activity in the left prefrontal cortex of your brain, the area associated with the ability to focus and concentrate, plan, and enjoy positive feelings. Studies indicate that mediators also tend to have less depression and anxiety."
Page 22
"As you inhale, imagine a beautiful grace-filled light entering into the top of your head, and upon exhaling, picture sharing that light with the world. See the breath making a loop as it comes in and goes out. Keep your practice simple by repeating a mantra (a word or phrase that inspires you). A few that I sue are: "Peace, " "Yes," or "I am here." Saying a mantra will help pull you back to the energy you want to focus on."
Page 23